2024 District Conference Schedule/Agenda

September 27 & 28

Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren

“Breathe in the Beloved”

Breathe – Release – Envision – Act – Trust – Hear/heal - Evolve

Friday, September 27

8:15am             Registration opens, coffee and pastries

8:45am             Breath Prayer & Body Movement

10:00am           Welcome & Session 1 (2.5 hrs) of Kingian Non-Violence Training

12:30pm           Lunch

1:30pm             Session 2 of KNV Training

3:30pm             Break   - visit with each other and the exhibits

4:00pm             Session 3 (1.5 hrs)  

5:40pm             Dinner

6:30pm             Pre-worship music in sanctuary

6:45pm             Worship 


Saturday, September 28

8:30am             Gather and Registration

8:45am             Gathering music

9:00am             Welcome

                           Breathing Lessons


                         Seating of delegates/Approve Agenda/Affirmation of Slate